Should a Smoker Buy a Smoke Humidifier?


The issue of whether a humidifier is beneficial for smokers and the people with whom they share a home is contentious at best.

Unlike an air purifier, a humidifier alone doesn’t exactly remove the harmful particles comprising cigarette smoke and smell from your indoor air. Adding moisture into the indoor air will, however, relieve some discomforts and symptoms associated with smoking by, for example, moistening the delicate tissues inside your nose and reducing inflammation on the skin.

However, there is no humidifier for smoker; rather you should be looking into a air purifier. I recommend that you learn more the differences between air purifier and humidifier. Another appliance that has a misconception regarding getting rid of cigarette smoke is dehumidifier.

RELATED: We have tested various air purifiers and put together a list of highly recommend ones that are found here. Well, if you still don’t believe me, our team has also put together some very good humidifiers you can check them out here.

Enhanced Comfort

Nothing beats a homeowner’s ability to enjoy the comforts of a home, which is especially true during the winter months when most people spend 90% of their time indoors.

Some of the things that render a home a haven include the companionship of the people we love, a warm fireplace, familiar sounds and smells as well as soft background music.

However, the air in your home cannot be pleasant and healthy if it’s laden with mold stench, cigarette smoke, and repulsive odor from cleaning products. The quality of your indoor air is further adversely affected by excessively dry air, which can cause immense discomfort in addition to exacerbating health problems like asthma, sinusitis, as well as cold and flu.

Luckily, a humidifier will serve the all-important purpose of reinstating the indoor moisture to reasonable levels, allowing the home occupants to breathe easier and feel more comfortable.

Combating unpleasant Odor

Among the worst elements of cigarette smoking is the abhorring odor it leaves behind. This smell is often embarrassing and frustrating, even to smokers themselves.

Most people are constantly seeking means of keeping their homes and offices free of cigarette smoke and smell, which is not always possible as smoking outside is out of the question for those residing in smoke-free areas.

This is where a good smoke humidifier comes in handy, which is especially true if used in conjunction with an effective smell eliminator like Nok-Out.

Since most smoke eliminators are oxidizers that are only effective when they come into direct contact with the affected surface, they are best dispensed using an effective household humidifier that delivers cool mist. With this effective combo, you can say goodbye to offensive cigarette smoke odor lingering in your home or car once and for all.

Keeps Your Skin Soft and Vibrant

Smoking can adversely affect your appearance by causing skin issues like eczema and acne (based on personal experience) however, based on this study it is unclear if it does.

From my personal experience it can be further aggravated by dry indoor air. While a humidifier will not exactly cure these conditions, it will go a long way in alleviating the symptoms.

A humidifier will essentially arrest or reverse the harmful effects of smoking and dry air by reducing the risk of skin inflammation, which ultimately prevents cracking and accelerated aging.

Using a suitable device like the cool mist humidifier will serve to add moisture to your indoor environment without adding any heat. This will protect your skin and scalp from drying excessively and thus maintaining your health and great looks.

Preventing Sinus Congestion and Nosebleeds

Among the most susceptible organs to damage from cigar and cigarette smoking is your nasal passage; the smoke can cause or aggravate sinuses and nosebleeds.

Things get even worse if the air in your home is dry, which is why nosebleeds and sinus congestion’s are particularly prevalent in the winter. This is because your heating system causes dry air, necessitating the use of a humidifier to increase the indoor humidity to optimal levels.

Dry air can trigger your body to produce excess mucus, which might, in turn, irritate your nasal passage to the extent of causing an infection. Besides, dry air facilitates the chances of the dust from your indoor surfaces in becoming airborne more expediently and thus aggravating your sinusitis.

Adding more moisture into your indoor air will help the dust to settle while also lubricating the soft tissues in your airways before they become too dry and irritated. This is where investing in a good humidifier will bring reasonable goodness to your home.

Curbing Asthmas and Allergies

Smoke, animal dander, and pollen are among the commonest culprits for causing or aggravating asthma and allergies. With the right humidifier, you can mitigate the symptoms of allergic reactions to smoke among other irritants inside your indoor environment.

Sufficient moisture in your indoor air will go a long way in reducing inflammation in the throat, which might as well deter an asthma attack. This is especially true if the individual in question spends most of their time indoors; with a good humidifier, they will not need to deal with dry throat daily.

Besides, a new category of humidifiers known as air washers, such as the Air-O-Swiss 2055A, is capable of extracting large particles of airborne irritants measuring at least 1.5 microns. Such pollutants include pollen and household dust, both of which can trigger allergies.

Precautions when Using Humidifiers

  • While humidifiers can be beneficial to allergy and asthma sufferers, they can easily create a conducive breeding ground for airborne allergens like mold and dust mites. These are the primary source of asthma triggers; it, therefore, helps to use a humidifier in moderation lest the homeowner accelerates the very issues they’re trying to curb. In essence, your indoor humidity levels should remain between 30% and 50%.
  • It’s also advisable to use a humidifier in conjunction with an air purifier to reduce the chances of introducing more airborne allergens into your indoor air. An even better solution would be investing in a humidifier that also moonlights as an air purifier, which will serve to add humidity into the atmosphere while also cleaning it.

We Recommend: If you don’t want to dedicate some time to maintaining your humidifier, you’re better off without one. A dirty humidifier will negate any moisture relieving benefits of this device by actually circulating air pollutants like bacteria throughout your home.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re perfectly healthy or you have a recurring ailment, poor indoor air quality can easily wreak havoc on your ability to breathe while also causing you undue discomfort. It, therefore, helps to eliminate irritating, airborne substances like smoke, chemicals, metal salts, and pet dander from your indoor environment.

It’s, therefore, imperative to invest in a good air purifier and potentially humidifier. As humidifying your indoor air will allow the home’s occupants’ mucous membranes to operate more effectively while also curbing the potency of dry air irritants. With a good humidifier and air purifier, issues associated with smoking, such as coughing, running nose, dry skin, and irritated eyes will be a thing of the past.

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